How much does the addition of catalyst affect the peeling force of flocking silicone RG-1582AB?
The following three tests and comparisons are made by different addition amounts of curing agent:
(1) RG-1582AB 1:1 without catalyst;
(2)RG-1582AB 1:1 plus 1% catalyst
(3) RG-1582AB 1:1 plus 3% catalyst. Uniformly use 0.5mm fluff, use RUIKE electrostatic flocking spray gun for electrostatic flocking,
bake in tunnel oven for 2 minutes at 120 degrees after flocking, and then do the peeling tests separately as below table:
Flocking Silicone | Catalyst Adding Ratio | Banking Temp. | First Baking Temp. | Tested Length | Starting Peeling Point | Ending Peeling Point | Max Peeling Force | |
Unit |
| kg | ℃ | min | mm | mm | mm | gf |
Mixture1 | 1582AB=1:1 | No | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.6255 | 151.98 | 3755.740 |
Mixture2 | 1582AB=1:1 | 1% | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.7755 | 153. 1275 | 3885.357 |
Mixture3 | 1582AB=1:1 | 3% | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.969 | 154.8775 | 3890.336 |
The peeling force curve of flocking silicone RG- 1582 adding with different ratio of catalyst is as follow:
From the above data, the test shows that the more catalyst added, the stronger peeling force after the initial baking.
Next, subject the 3 remaining flocking silicone to do the secondary vulcanization, and then test the peeling force:
Flocking Silicone | Catalyst Adding Ratio | Banking Temp. | First Baking Temp. | Tested Length | Starting Peeling Point | Ending Peeling Point | Max Peeling Force | |
Unit |
| kg | ℃ | min | mm | mm | mm | gf |
Mixture1 | 1582AB=1:1 | No | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.6255 | 151.98 | 3755.740 |
Mixture2 | 1582AB=1:1 | 1% | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.7755 | 152.00 | 3756.357 |
Mixture3 | 1582AB=1:1 | 3% | 120 | 2 | 50 | 30.969 | 152.02 | 3759.336 |
In summary, we can conclude that under the same conditions, the more catalyst added into flocking silicone 1582AB,
the greater the peeling force after the first baking, but the peeling force after the second vulcanization is basically the same.
Therefore, the addition of catalyst has little effect on the peeling force of flocking silicone RG- 1582AB.
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